take back control

My Sessions

 I work one-to-one with individuals offering shamanic healing in the Inca and Qero shamanic traditions. I am available for face to face sessions in the Essex and London area, returning back to the UK regularly. I also have a space and resort in Italy providing a place in nature for wellness and to come and heal. This again can be one-to-one or with groups. I do offer distance sessions by Skype or zoom for those unable to travel to work with me in person.

Shamanic Healing

This works at the energetic level. Helping us to shift, release and move away from feelings, patterns of behaviour and ways of living that are impacting us in limiting ways in our lives. This then creates space to fill with the new positive expressions of ourselves. 

It starts with opening sacred space, creating a safe environment to work in. Then an intake interview where we find together what is impacting you the most at that period of time and needs to be released. Then the essence of this and what you feel stuck with and can’t let go of is all then blown into one of my medicine stones.  An extraction of any intrusive energy or any entities and unhelpful energy is then done after this, if needed, releasing anything that again is impacting you energetically and emotionally. 

As you lie down and focus on your breathing rhythm with my guidance, I place the stone on the chakra which is most impacted and start to clear it of the heavy, unwanted energy (hutcha). Everything you have blown into the stone will also start to be cleared. This is all done with the help of the archetypes which I work with. The body is then scanned and again old, heavy energy in the body that needs to be let go of is tracked and gently removed. From then on its about finding and stepping into the new greater version of yourself, free from what was impacting you and your life before you came.

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is the process during a healing session to restore and bring back parts of ourselves that we have become disconnected and distant from as a consequence of trauma that we have experienced in our lives, or that have been lost along the way or supressed. Our strengths and many qualities such as the sense of our own true beauty, love, the creativity and the mental freedom to create the world we really want to experience for ourselves. Restoring these Soul Parts, soul connections, puts us on our true path, maintaining a new direction to our highest destiny which is now open and available. It takes place during a shamanic healing session alongside an illumination, when I feel like it is needed and the client is ready.

Distance Healing

Sometimes it is hard to fit the travel required to come for a session with me, in person, into a busy schedule and lifestyle. Sometimes it is not practical where we live in different countries. Although, I have also had clients “fly in” for sessions from other countries and then fly home the same or next day too. There are many reasons why people choose to take advantage of Distance Shamanic Healing sessions with me.

Of course, it is nice to have the ‘extra’ connection of working together in my treatment room, which is set up specifically for your comfort. However, as Shamanic Healing works to effect change in our lives and bodies by working primarily not at the physical level, where we see issues manifest, but at the energetic level where these issues are “held.”

Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselfs