Out of the darkness

My Journey

I have been on a wild journey to reach the stage I am at now in my life, and to be able to share this beautiful, healing shamanic medicine of the Qero and Inca people of Peru. I have completely healed myself through working with and using this form of healing and I now live in a very comfortable environment of peace and harmony where I can also give and share it to others, so that they can find their happiness. I feel anything is possible in my life now to reach my highest potential and contentment. More of my life is spent in bliss and joy than before it came into my life.

My journey to this point has been extremely difficult and traumatic, and I spent the first half of my life from the age of around 7 having to deal with very frightening and traumatic experiences, that I had to deal with all by myself. I was very scared and I became very angry, confused. I thought I was strange or mad, and didn’t fit or belong in this world. This created a way of being, an adaptive response to my past that changed the way I behaved, how I lived and led to conflict and chaos that included even spending a short period of time in prison. On my release my whole world totally collapsed around me.

My mental health deteriorated and for the following 20 or so years I experienced and suffered with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and strong urges to take my own life. I developed a terrible social anxiety and as a result I became quite reclusive. I no longer felt joy or happiness and I even struggled to laugh naturally. It all came to a head in 2019 when I couldn’t take any more and I started to plan on taking my own life. I was crying in front of my children at the breakfast table most mornings and I started to believe that they and my wife would be better off without me.

Amazingly and right at my lowest and on the very edge of causing so much despair for my family. Miraculously I found my way to a shaman who helped to “snap” me out of my darkness. The healing process and ceremony alleviated all those mental health issues and struggles over night during one ceremony. To this day I still don’t know how I ended up there, I had intended to go to a yoga retreat as a last hope, as I was planning to end my life on returning home if it didn’t help.

I just told my wife I saw this other thing on the web site that I didn’t know anything about, but that I thought I would give it a try. This was only the beginning of my self-healing journey though, and I decided to stick with alternative methods for healing to those practiced in the western world, as I had tried them all over many years with no positive long-term effects. I had to learn how to walk again so to speak. I did not know how to behave without sickness, it was very alien to me.  I had to find myself and my spirit, who I was without all the mental health issues and trauma, how to feel again, how to laugh, find some peace and to find my purpose in life. All this was done with the medicine I am offering to others now.

The plant medicine that helped me is very intense and not for everyone, but this very much is which is why I connected with it. It is a beautiful energy medicine from the Qero and the Incas of Peru. A lost art form of healing that is being found again.

I have found my purpose and passion in life being able to share this with others. My children and my wife have their dad back and at his best because of it, and we are all starting an exciting new journey in our lives with the help of it.

I have always wanted to help other people from an early age, even when I was sick. It is even in my name Alex (helper and defender) and finally I now have the tools to do so. This is a medicine that is truly for everyone. All my suffering was for a reason and I get that now, I am grateful for it. I understand immensely what it is like to be lost, afraid traumatised, and to be suffering mentally. Now I spend and dedicate my life being the man I needed when I was desperate for help, so that others do not have to suffer in the ways that I have. There is no need to do so now.

Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselfs